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Menu For School Meals

Children in Year R to 2 are entitled to a school meal under the Government's Universal Free School Meal scheme.  Those children who are entitled to benefits related free school meals in Year R - 6 will also receive a school meal each day. Free school meals are provided for the children of parents who qualify.  Details of how to apply may be acquired from the School Office, or you can click the link to apply online: It must be stressed that all information is confidential.


Our school meals are cooked at St Mary's Primary Academy and then delivered to us.  The menu changes twice a year and can be found below.  Parents are welcome to send their child in with a packed lunch if they do not want their child to have a school meal, or you may choose for your child to have school meals on certain days.  There is no need to pre-book school meals, so you can decide on the day!


For those children in Year 3-6 who do not qualify , this should be done through the 
