Christmas Poem written by Shark Class
It was Christmas Eve in Folkestone town,
And the snow was dancing all around,
Santa was riding upon his sleigh,
Eight prancing reindeers led the way,
Santa, full of festive charm,
Swooped over the beach and the harbour arm,
As he flew he bestowed generous gifts,
To the seaside town surrounded by white cliffs,
The poor Leas Lift which was old and creaky,
Santa poured on oil to make it less squeaky,
The beautiful bandstand so majestic and grand,
Santa had booked a marching brass band,
As Santa flew down to the roof of St Peter’s,
He left a grass playground for pupils and teachers,
The lighthouse which was as dark as night,
Santa stopped by and gave everlasting light,
The mermaid who sat as custodian of boats,
Was given the warmth of a crimson fur coat,
As he dashed through the arch they could hear Santa call
“Merry Christmas to Folkestone and Goodwill to all!”